In His work, however, I dispense fully explored. Listening to his songs did not give me the urge for a second visit. It is however nuggets in Ballades, Nocturnes ... And in all this, the cycle of Preludes occupies a special place. I am often asked if it was given to each of the assessment or if the pianists do not develop an attendance necessarily biased. Is that heterogeneity, atmosphere and accessibility, time also makes the cycle a set strangely incongruous, rather dowdy. This diversity allows the amateur pianist to return, to find always an interesting play to study, a difficulty at the appropriate time to such training. Practice makes them indispensable. To me who have not touched a keyboard since my twenties, two or three of these pieces come back to me likely easily in the fingers. I will try one day.
Thus Prelude No. 4 that I even found in the collections of partitions of my great-grandmother when it finally opened the house, above the old piano and a wooden frame work by decades of moisture between the Lancers Quadrille a waltz and popular among the bourgeoisie Rural Third Republic. This prelude is also a nicely readable sequence towards the film Five Easy Pieces : its simplicity, ease of execution, as opposed to feeling aroused deep listening, better reflects a speech clashes and internal conflicts the characters. In this cycle, other pieces pass yet for the most challenging ...
This is not the case Prelude No. 15, which I might come back the same way. But if you know it! He earned a nickname: "the drop", "water" or "rain" more or less echoed in later editions. The nickname comes from George Sand herself, witnessed the composition of the piece and in a letter that compared the endless iteration of the famous A-flat the fall of a drop. I seem to remember Alfred Cortot cited the anecdote in which he proposed the annotated edition of the Preludes and on which I deciphered. I appreciated very much his analysis, expressed in a language obsolete and tasty. I have no piano, no partitions or comments Cortot in front to check the accuracy of what I say. It does not matter, especially since this subtitle imposes silly its concrete image to music that is not descriptive.
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