- Beaune can do better. Handicap. In terms of accessibility, the city is progressing but is not necessarily better.
In downtown, there are certain standards but many arteries
require major work. Photo B. Hutter
While yesterday held a working committee on the measures to be applied for disability, an update on accessibility in Beaune.
Midway. The February 2005 law gives ten years to set access for persons with disabilities. Multiple
. The law covers both transportation, housing, roads, public buildings and spaces.
Law on Equal Opportunities February 11, 2005 was clear: the environment of everyday life will be made accessible to people with disabilities by 2015 (see definition below). Roads, transport, housing, and public spaces: everything must go. On behalf of the universality of citizenship. Yet in 2010, mid-term, most cities are lagging behind. Without being in front of the pack or to report dunce, it seems that Beaune is well placed in a hypothetical ranking of cities in France the most accessible.
standards considered
" We did not wait in terms of roads, the 2005 Act to take into account the situation of persons with disabilities, "says Jean-Luc Becquet, Deputy heritage and infrastructure. "We try always to put ourselves in their place." Today, the balance of the City obligated to enforce accessibility standards in all new construction or renovations, seems rather positive. Place des Halles, Place Carnot, Place du General Leclerc, sports forum, school of fine arts, cinema, low-floor buses: all examples of achievements made available by the municipality Beaune. In parallel, current projects are all impressed with the seal of accessibility. And working committees between elected representatives and relevant associations, like the one held yesterday, identify non-conformities in order to solve them.
Yet, like most French cities, Beaune still seems far from the goals required. 2015 comes out great not face a project that button, remember, all areas of everyday life. Finally, ten years is perhaps too fair. Far from having turned thumbs so far, the southern city of Cote d'Or has not quite managed to put in place comprehensive measures of accessibility, favoring instead the more specific and concrete projects. "We asked for studies of firms, the conclusions made soon allow us to define the axes. The measures will be phased and included in the budget, "said Jean-Luc spoiler.
"Exceptions to Beaune"
red tape, prioritization and time required for training may explain the delay in Beaune. "These are new habits to make," said Joseph Larfouilloux first deputy health and disability. It is also to raise awareness of disability, which we know is a long-term where the city hall is not the only actor. Another factor: the historical heritage of the city. "There will be automatic exemptions from Beaune. Many sites are classified. We can not touch them. But we must act, "says Christian Dumont, departmental representative of the Association of paralyzed France, referring to blocks of downtown" ugly "for wheelchairs. The financial returns also definitely in the equation.
But the association side, we recognize the many faithful relationship with the municipality.
But according to Jacques Berthet, Director Butterflies generally white, the City could still go further. "Beaune, by its size and organization, is very conducive to accessibility. But it was perhaps not the right way of working. It is still not enough to look for people on the ground. With accessibility, it was always difficult to project the plight of others as we are not affected. But these are small things that will solve the problems of everyone. "
Reporter: Guillaume BIETRY
Source: Journal "The Public Good" edition Beaune on 07/05/2010
Future Accessibility Beaune
projects of the municipality are many and respected by all, a priori, the standards of accessibility. That future concert halls and music school is Mary of Burgundy and the relocation of the library. Road side, the achievements are colossal: implementation of the accessibility of Lorraine Street and Boulevard, already available on three-quarters of sidewalk cuts, strips podotactiles, intersections equipped with audible.
Transport, websites and other public buildings also know them up to standard.
One definition of inter
, the notion of accessibility refers to "autonomy and participation of persons with disabilities by reducing or eliminating the discrepancies between their capabilities, needs and desires on the one hand, and different components of their environment on the other hand. " In the texts last forty years is the law on equal opportunities promulgated February 11, 2005 that erected the accessibility principle and national goal. All sectors of everyday life and all types of disabilities are involved: motor, sensory, cognitive, psychological. For the first time considers a law so comprehensive disability in order to eliminate any obstacle, any disruption in the flow of people suffering from any disability. This chain of displacement must be completed before 2015.