Some near misses more than irritate the void. At least it plays Does the franchise: There is no hope. On a complete wreck, no need to procrastinate. It can be seen. It relies on fast in the end, the very next day we will have forgotten. It is the merit of the execrable. But first, the qualities spoil defects, not the reverse. In these half-failures, companies with mixed results, errors or imperfections lose the benefit of full and frank brutality, much better. The difference? The bitterness, for even taste good ideas against them and they leave too much to guess what these "mid-fig" will not "mi-raisin ', and all the nuances of flavors that they could haul it with . The rot extends often from the front we thought the most healthy.

We've already done the deed with "The Day of the skirt." Child, the recipe for a half-failure, nothing that the small ordinary. First a great big issue, that would call ill-intentioned juicy, you could say both "necessary" to give the user a certain language, that is to say passionate, political, sociological , syncretic ways, each on multiple planes, intimate and social, seems to feel and understand his time. Everything is there: the right subject, objectively good. It is not only the sole condition "necessary" and it is sufficient, which reduces happiness with the magnitude of the task. Following is a breeze since there is none. Instead, follow: the director does not seem to lack imagination? Change-in. A blind man will do, a paralyzed as well if it is in the subject. Narration work? A scenario, do not forget, is reduced to the statement, it is tied up when everything is said. Dialogues? Why? They might talk to a minister as a minister in better, as a cop in a cop better. Transcendence, is the death of subject. Hop! And for pity's sake, do not fumble the characters too, they could incarnate. The actors would make do if they have the stuff. See? Easy as pie. Especially not to let it rest - Land contradiction with the spirit of the recipe. Serve hot.
Neither great nor ridiculous. Neither beautiful nor detestable. Neither strong enough nor too amorphous. Thank you anyway to have scratched the surface. Teachers recognize themselves, students recognize themselves, everyone will find its share of stringy truth. That's the most outrageous: that you do your work gently. We do not blame you will because the very term rigor has lost all meaning long ago.

There are unfortunately some of those dunces who have more reason and pretend to forget our little scholarly manner. So? There goes her head? If you like. After all, you will use you to work faster. And if in "A Prophet" inmates or former inmates also found that once the truth of their prison, could not we dispense with the frills? Why get so upset, sweating water blood, alcohol, screaming like a madman? It allows itself the world there: the image, light, rhythm, development, invention, the raw and cooked ... Bah! You're not afraid of indigestion? Then work your character up myth? Write? Filming?! I swear, the infinite sadness ...
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