Le jury des Victoires de l'accessibilité présidé par Jean Gabain. Photo SDR.
Le jury des Victoires de l'accessibilité pour la Bourgogne a sélectionné trois dossiers sur les onze présentés. Les trois lauréats participeront aux sélections nationales en juin à Paris.
A l'occasion de son cinquantième anniversaire, l'Unapei (Union nationale des parents d'enfants inadaptés) et ses 600 associations membres revendiquent une société accessible aux personnes handicapées mentales.
« Grâce au concours "Victories Unapei the accessibility," we want to prove that the city accessible and enable better integration of people with intellectual disabilities can, just wanting to, "says Regis Devoldere, president of Unapei.
Contest Victories accessibility has been a real success at the departmental selections. Regionally, the jury chaired by Jean Gabain, president of the Urapei (Unapei regional entity) and composed of eight people met in Dijon. He had to floor eleven cases, three were selected (their names will be announced later).
The first winner will receive a trophy. All other candidates receive a certificate of Victories accessibility. Awards will be given on the occasion of the first regional meeting Unapei, April 10 at Nevers (58).
A l'occasion de son cinquantième anniversaire, l'Unapei (Union nationale des parents d'enfants inadaptés) et ses 600 associations membres revendiquent une société accessible aux personnes handicapées mentales.
« Grâce au concours "Victories Unapei the accessibility," we want to prove that the city accessible and enable better integration of people with intellectual disabilities can, just wanting to, "says Regis Devoldere, president of Unapei.
Contest Victories accessibility has been a real success at the departmental selections. Regionally, the jury chaired by Jean Gabain, president of the Urapei (Unapei regional entity) and composed of eight people met in Dijon. He had to floor eleven cases, three were selected (their names will be announced later).
The first winner will receive a trophy. All other candidates receive a certificate of Victories accessibility. Awards will be given on the occasion of the first regional meeting Unapei, April 10 at Nevers (58).
700,000 citizens "invisible"
For the remainder of the contest, the three regional winners will participate in the national selections in Paris in June, as part of a major event organized around the 50-year Unapei.
"Accessibility must be within reach 700 000 citizens of our "invisible". For years, we demonstrate that a mentally handicapped person is a full citizen, "hammered Jean Gabain, but said that work done by teams of volunteers, professionals, will be fulfilled today by the great Victories help of accessibility.
"Acting for a better integration of people with intellectual disabilities is a societal issue that must be met by future presidents of regions," say the Urapei who invited heads list of all candidates for political parties regional elections to sign the "Manifesto for an accessible society for people with intellectual disabilities" and thus affirm their commitment.
Source: Journal "The Public Good" Edition Beaune, Gilles MATHIEU, 17/03/2010
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