In the meantime, I note not to forget those little pieces of Danzig, who would often drew laughter. Excerpts from his "list of writers watered by their bitterness," these texts are naturally more fleshed out in his Encyclopedia , I've taken the most crisp paragraphs ...
Emile Cioran (1911-1995)
Not only speaks French without tact, but he uses it as a moralist distended. A moralist is already pompous, but at least it kills at once net Cioran concludes his sentences often by an ellipsis. This way of implying that knows more, keeping a knife in the handle if, in addition to lack of decision, does not seem honest.
Not only speaks French without tact, but he uses it as a moralist distended. A moralist is already pompous, but at least it kills at once net Cioran concludes his sentences often by an ellipsis. This way of implying that knows more, keeping a knife in the handle if, in addition to lack of decision, does not seem honest.
The bitterness is not an argument. This has several: the conservative audience, that is to say, beyond a certain age, 90% of humanity does not like to reason. This could lead to light-hearted reflections that lead to something of his life.
Guy Debord (1931-1994)
The "society of spectacle" is one of the stupidest ideas that were invented in the 1970s. Every society is a show, talk to Louis XIV. By "show," Guy Debord meant "television": Teenage Bossuet this was a mail reader readers Tele 7 days complaining that the film begins too long after the end of the newspaper. Among a lot of little insightful explanations, he is irritated that all is sham, image, communication, and as he knows it's a level of candid thought, it compensates by making mysteries. Thus, he never gives his definition of "spectacle" (trick) and slides innuendo and insinuations intended to suggest that he was consulted by the powers and threatened by the secret services (sham).
George Steiner (born 1929)
Steiner, what a curious concept of literature! "The identification of fauna and flora, the major constellations, hours and liturgical seasons [...] depends intimately understanding the most intimate of poetry, drama and romance western" ( Passions unpunished ): flora thus helps to understand Baudelaire and the Big Dipper, Paul Valery? Literature that have lived through "the ability to quote scripture, quote from memory large passages of Homer, Virgil, Horace and Ovid, stressed IMMEDIATELY with a quote from Shakespeare of Milton or Pope "(Passions unpunished, where I see decidedly impunity and little passion). In short, the literature is Questions for a champion. A teacher is often a student and George Steiner believes that literature is an examination of his life. Did not he entitled one of his books Masters and Disciples ? There are neither masters nor disciples literature is not a subsidiary of knowledge. There is only love.
The public cult of the three authors, I often had occasion to remark, is the most heinous ever. Whenever I expressed a doubt one of them, I was insulted in their blogs. These people would kill the spirit if they met on the street. "
(Charles Danzig - Encyclopedia capricious at all and nothing)
--- It seems pointless have read Cioran, Debord or Steiner to enjoy these liveliness. Of the three, I confess that having read the first, if its dark home disillusioned found echoes, it is far more complicated and demanding to live happily, Danzig's so right on this point. After reading the laughter subsided, for others, I wonder. I note some exaggerations in arguments. For instance, about the "masters" if love must prevail, at least know literary does not seem inappropriate, even if only to help structure the thought: by comparisons with authors by assimilation of ways to express in quest for accuracy in the ocean fuzzy language. We do not claim a scientist he reinvented while Newton and Einstein each equation set, the acquis can go further. So if one can be irritated by whining, the bitterness of those who think the last readers, I detect in my hand behind their obsessions encyclopedia color of a genuine passion that is beyond a little disgusting.
Where Danzig wins my sympathy, this is the obvious point that partisanship affects many other areas of our lives than religious. What matters intellectual parochialism takes precedence over reflection, this seems contradictory, but humanly logical: it is easier to adhere to current thinking and let others around you. "I was insulted in their blogs," he said. And surf at random from the blogosphere to identify judgments to the punch from the comments of a particular article, I come to imagine that this support anyway detrimental to the thought.
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