Michael Gentile is undoubtedly one of the best guitarists of the moment. His game
picking the twelve strings guitar and very original and suggests sounds very rich.
His influences are varied, one might say from Ireland to India via Parthenay.
At the concert he gave at Niort in the Moulin du Roc in June 2005, Michel has asked the association to make Pikodon Pictures uptake.
Eventually it turned into a DVD that contains the full concert, a live autobiography, a media review, discography and especially a mini twelve-string guitar method in which Michael reveals his technique and is shared. A little bonus
gives us pleasure to see John Renbourn, Peter Finger, Pierre Bensusan and Michael Gentile on the terrace of the coffee room at the Moulin du Roc, Niort is on the west coast.
contact: michelgentils.com
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