The Adapted Wine Company (EAV) is an asset to the winemakers.

more motivated, more efficient, more professional. In the vineyards, the work of employees of the Company Adapted from Beaune Wine is enjoyed by the tenants. Close to Savigny.
The sun shining on the heights of Savigny-les-Beaune, on Saturday afternoon, reinforces an enthusiasm that bad weather was anyway unable to shower. In the vineyards, forty pickers busy smiling. The gesture is precise, the clusters that fall into the buckets are perfect, and allow Isabelle and Vincent Marcoux, winemakers who manage the parcel, save a sorting table.
A real expertise
No doubt these pickers are real pros. They are all employees of the Company Adapted Wine (EAV) of Beaune, and spend their year in the vineyards. "We've been contact via CFPPA. I was board to validate their learning experience. I saw them work, I know they can do, so I hired. I do not regret it: they are motivated, efficient, "said Vincent Marcoux, founder of the eponymous field Premeaux-Prissey. His wife Isabelle agrees: "We just created our field. A year like this, with low yields, we need pickers who know the business. "
Led Chrystèle Carpentier, who supervises the employees appreciate being able to work outdoors, learn to adapt to the demands of growers, improve their technique. "We have thirty clients throughout Côte d'Or and Cote Chalonnaise sometimes says Chrystèle. And we work all year. We like the vines. "
Vincent Marcoux is equally enthusiastic. As soon as he can, he will hire an employee of the EAV to help manage its 5.8 hectares of vineyards divided between Savigny and Marsannay. And he has already made an appointment for harvest 2010. "Because they are effective, says his wife. And as well, we have the social fabric, to use them makes sense. "A meaning? He had forgotten the employees of the EAV disabilities.
A real expertise
No doubt these pickers are real pros. They are all employees of the Company Adapted Wine (EAV) of Beaune, and spend their year in the vineyards. "We've been contact via CFPPA. I was board to validate their learning experience. I saw them work, I know they can do, so I hired. I do not regret it: they are motivated, efficient, "said Vincent Marcoux, founder of the eponymous field Premeaux-Prissey. His wife Isabelle agrees: "We just created our field. A year like this, with low yields, we need pickers who know the business. "
Led Chrystèle Carpentier, who supervises the employees appreciate being able to work outdoors, learn to adapt to the demands of growers, improve their technique. "We have thirty clients throughout Côte d'Or and Cote Chalonnaise sometimes says Chrystèle. And we work all year. We like the vines. "
Vincent Marcoux is equally enthusiastic. As soon as he can, he will hire an employee of the EAV to help manage its 5.8 hectares of vineyards divided between Savigny and Marsannay. And he has already made an appointment for harvest 2010. "Because they are effective, says his wife. And as well, we have the social fabric, to use them makes sense. "A meaning? He had forgotten the employees of the EAV disabilities.
Send pickers
You learn by working with them
Employee, Enterprise Adapted Wine
"In the vineyards all year '
" There's a great atmosphere, the harvest is going well. This year we have many customers, so much work at once. But we do it a month. The rest of the year, we are in the winery, and then out into the vineyards to the waist, pulling and burning of wood repairs. In the company, I am conducting Works in charge of one or two clients. "
Employee, Enterprise Adapted Wine
" We must adapt to the winemakers'
"I am delighted to be in the vines. Here at the Marcoux, we are welcomed, we are happy to see them. You learn stuff by working with them. That improves his technique, learn new methods of sizes. I am also a foreman for three years, and I present as Emmanuel, my Capa. He is a third year, month second. "
Employee, Enterprise Adapted Wine
"I harvest with colleagues"
"It's been years since I gather. I was even hired in a field for two years, but there were problems of succession to the leadership, and it did not last. I like working outside, cold, culture, land. And then harvesting with colleagues with our chef Chrystèle is nice. It is good, and there is also a very good atmosphere with the winemakers. "
The Wine Company
Adapted from the Association The White Butterfly, the Enterprise Adapted Wine Beaune (EAV) was established in 1994 with 3 people. Today is a SAS. It has 50 employees. Chrystèle Carpentier is the quality manager and responsible leadership: "Our goal is to accommodate persons with disabilities into real pros able to work in mid-called ordinary. We operate like a business, with a general manager, Jacques Berthet, a director, a deputy, a workshop manager and 6 supervisors. "Characteristic of the house, the latter having responsibility for one or two customers each, are formed among our employees while disabled. " The EAV now thirty clients and provide expertise in viticulture and green spaces. She owns one hectare of vines in Chorey-les-Beaune and deals all year from 40 to 50 hectares task. In winter, she was given the draw of 200 hectares of vines. Employees, after training, can choose to stay and work locally or try their luck in the professional world. They are in this together in their efforts by the EAV. "This is a company constantly on the move and continues to grow," synthesizes Chrystèle Carpentier.
AVE, 26 rue du Faubourg Saint-Jean Beaune Tel. 03 80 22 04 13 and