Our intervention Tuesday, November 13 Romain Rolland in college was very well received by the students of this listed building PTA. We now look forward to future dates to work directly with young people which will culminate in a recording in which all participate.
They will then have a CD that I engrave them to mark the event!

It feels good, our show is beginning to stand on its rails. More and more people interested and interesting, media centers, cinemas, schools and colleges and soon, I hope the purely concert.
Friday, October 26 Pascale REYNE us warmly welcomed in its library to the Rolling SANDEEL Provence.
This evening was a high level of communication with the public, all that music needs to thrive and voice to find its way. Thank you again to all who were there.

The reacquisition of Christian: A Dobro that sounds like a National. As the musicians say
connected, "It does ..."

The full team with a view on the projo, no one can deny that it is indeed a library.

Saturday, November 3 at MIRAMAS during a week devoted to the blues.
bad, not enough people! But a great joy to welcome the scene Florent MAYNARD (with whom I Athem). It was a real pleasure to share with him the music we love so much. As usual Flo has demonstrated a rare musicality and conquered the whole world.

Photographie Patrick Jouanneau - droits réservés.

"Runnin down to the station
catch the first mail train I see
Runnin down to the station
catch that old first mail train I see
I got the blues bout Miss So and So
and the child got the blues bout me"
Robert Johnson, Ramlin' on My Mind.
Words by Robert Johnson
© (1978) 1990, 1991 Lehsem II, LLC/Claud L. Johnson
Administered by Music & Media International, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.